Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following academic positions in the School of HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY:
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Lecturer II
Department in the School of Hospitality Management Technology:
Hospitality Management
Departments in the School of Environmental Design Technology:
Building Technology
Department of Science Laboratory Technology:
Senior Lecturer:
The candidate must have a Ph.D. or (in-view with evidence of registration for the programme) and at least six (6) years of teaching, research and administrative experience in tertiary institutions plus at least five (5) scholarly publications in reputable local and international journals plus registration with relevant professional bodies, where applicable.
Lecturer I:
The candidate must have an Academic Master Degree from a reputable Institution with at least four (4) years of teaching, research and administrative experience in tertiary institutions plus at least three (3) scholarly publications in reputable local and international learned journals plus registration with relevant professional bodies, where applicable.
Lecturer II:
The candidate must have a Bachelor’s Degree with at least (2:1) with at least three (3) years of teaching, research and administrative experience in tertiary institutions plus at least two (2) scholarly publication in reputable local and international learned journals plus registration with relevant professional bodies, where applicable. Master Degree from a reputable Institution will be an added advantage.
Lecturer III:
The candidate must have a Bachelor’s Degree with at least (2:1) with at least two (2) years of teaching, research and administrative experience in tertiary institutions plus at least one (1) scholarly publications in reputable local and international learned journals plus registration with relevant professional bodies, where applicable.
Method of Application
Candidates are required to submit (5) hard copies of their application, Curriculum Vitae, and photocopies of their credentials. The Curriculum Vitae should highlight the following:
Full Name (Surname first in capital letters)
Post Desired and Department
Place and Date of Birth
Age (Attach evidence)
Marital Status
Number and Ages of Children
Telephone Number(s)
Postal Address
E-mail Address
Permanent Home Address
State of Origin and LGA
Institutions attended with dates
Pure Academic Qualifications with dates
Professional Qualifications with dates
Training Programmes Attended with dates (starting with the latest)
Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned/Professional Societies (starting
with the latest)
Employments and position held with date
Research Interests and Commissioned Projects (completed and ongoing, starting with the latest),
List of Publications with details of Titles, Publishers, Journals with Dates and Pages (where applicable)
Major Conferences and workshops Attended with Paper read (starting with the latest)
Details of Administrative Experience
Teaching Experience
Service to the Community (with status and dates)
Extra Curricular activities
Names and Addresses of three (3) References
All applications should be addressed and submitted to the office of:
The Registrar,
Ajayi Polytechnic
Ikere Ekiti
P.M.B. 5467
Ikere Ekiti
Ekiti State
Closing Date
Applications should reach the office of the Registrar not later than 15th of July 2020.